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Preserving, promoting and displaying Ukrainian culture in North Dakota
PO Box 6
1221 W. Villard St.
Dickinson, ND 58601
(701) 483-1486

The UCI museum, gift shop and library in Dickinson is open weekdays,
9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
For current updates, we're also on Facebook. Search for
"Ukrainian Cultural Institute."

We'd love to see you at UCI!
Ukrainian Pioneer Memorial Cross, Fairfield, N.D.
50th Anniversary of a monument to the Ukrainian homesteaders of North Dakota!
Business Title
UCI's 2024
N.D. Ukrainian Hall of Fame inductees are Stephanie & the late Roger Klym.

It's that time of year!
Just a friendly reminder to renew your annual UCI membership by sending payment to UCI by Jan. 1.
The cost is $30 for an individual, or $35 for a couple or a family. Members are entitled to receive the UCI's newsletter/journal every quarter.
New members are always welcome. We need you to help preserve our heritage for the next generation!
PO Box 6; Dickinson, ND 58601

On Feb. 24, 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine in a major escalation of its war, which began in 2014.
The result has been uprooted and destroyed lives. Millions of Ukrainians were displaced within their country, and millions more have fled Ukraine, according to data from Wikipedia. Tens of thousands of lives on both sides have been lost.
By publishing their photographs and names online, “Memorial: killed by Russia,” a news and media platform in Kyiv, is seeking to remember those who have died. Links to their sites are at the left. They have allowed us to share some of their work here.

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